- Building:LEED platinum certified
- Year Built:1990(renovated in 2014)
- Floors: 39(561 ft)>
- Floor to Floor Height: 12'10" Mullion Spacing: 5'0
- Column Spacing: 30'0"
- HVAC: Energy Management System (EMS); Johnson Controls Metasys. Three 250 hp chilled water pumps, 42 air handlers and 58 fans. 20,000 cfm per floor, VAV system zone size 800 - 1,000 SF. Automated GENEA System for tenants.
- Telephone/Cable: Risers are managed by Ardent Communication. Fiber optics, high speed internet and cable are provided by AT&T, Cogent Communications and Level 3 Communications, Time/Warner, B2Btv, Verizon
- Outdoor Area: Enhanced drought tolerant landscaping; patio seating areas